Streamline Surveys Ltd specializes in developing custom made solutions to address specific questions facing clients, as such it does not offer off the shelf information.

Each field project is a multi-stage process that is supervised by a central team

  • Rigorous methodology: Strict random selection of sampling units, proprietary random walk methodology and kish-grid based selection of interviewees (where relevant)
  • Comprehensive training and close supervision:
  • Extended training of field teams (usually two days) to ensure a high level of understanding for each survey
  • Direct supervision by experienced team coordinators during field work.
  • Exhaustive quality control
    • Phone number and e-mail address collected at the end of each interview
    • Surveys audited for completion and quality via random call-backs
    • Interviews conducted with tablet computers that time stamp each response
    • Tablets also record GPS coordinates for each interview
    • Questionnaires without a location or with an incorrect location automatically excluded from the final sample
    • Voice recording of selected questions and answers

Streamline Surveys Ltd mainly conducts primary research but where necessary PARS is able to source for secondary information. The methods that we use for data collection include:


This data collection method assumes at the outset that information already exists in a readily available form.


Data can be collected in a number of ways including: Face To Face/ Questionnaire, Telephone / Skype interviews, online questionnaires, Self-Completion and Mobile phone Data collection.


The data is collected in the following ways: Focus Group Discussions, Mini-groups, In-depth Interviews and Observations.